
Barley and Beef Soup With Tomato Juice

This easy hamburger soup is hearty and delicious. With ground beef, barley and vegetables in a tomato base of operations it is a soup that the whole family can enjoy. Serve with some crusty bread or fresh rolls for a complete and comforting meal.

Hamburger soup in a bowl.  A pile of crackers to the left, a grey linen in the  background.

I grew up eating this soup. My mom fabricated information technology often and now that I'chiliad adult I know why. Not just is it hearty and succulent, but it is probably the easiest soup to make.

You can brand this soup on the stove top or simmer it all day in the dull cooker and it turns out equally well both ways. The soup is hearty enough that it doesn't demand to be served with anything else, but my mom would usually make upwardly a batch of fresh rolls to go with information technology.

I have always loved this soup and so has anyone else that I've served it to. In fact I call up one particular fourth dimension when I was a teenager. I invited some friends over and we got into the pot of soup earlier my dad got home from work. Equally I remember information technology, he barely scraped together a basin from the bit we left in the lesser of the pot. I wasn't too popular that day.

A close up of a bowl of soup.  You can see hamburger, tomato, carrots and barley.

This soup is piece of cake to customize and you can leave out or add extra vegetables to accommodate your tastes and family. You could besides try replacing the barley with diced potatoes, or add together some cooked pasta right at the finish of the melt fourth dimension.

How to make like shooting fish in a barrel hamburger soup

  • In a big pot or dutch oven, heat the basis beef over medium estrus until no longer pink. Bleed any fat and return the beef to the pot.
  • Add remaining ingredients to the pot, stir and place the lid on the pot.
  • Simmer on low for 2 hours, or until barley is plump.
  • Serve

How to make tiresome cooker hamburger soup

  • Brown the beef in a skillet, and so bleed whatever fat and add together the cooked beefiness to the deadening cooker.
  • Add the remaining ingredients, stir and place the lid on the pot.
  • Cook on low vi-8 hours.
  • Serve
A bowl in front of a blue pot.  Crackers on the left and bunch of parsley is in the background.

What should I serve with hamburger soup?

This soup really doesn't need to be served with anything. It is great on its own or with a stack of crackers for dipping. If y'all are feeling more ambitious it is always fantastic with some fresh rolls or biscuits similar these garlic knots or these cheddar chive biscuits.

A spoonful of soup being held over a bowl soup.


  • My kids don't like the diced tomato, can I utilize something else? If your kids don't like seeing the pieces of tomato, you can use crushed tomatoes instead.
  • Tin can I add together extra vegetables to this soup? Absolutely, you tin add whatsoever vegetables you like.
  • Could I use ground turkey or chicken instead of beef? Yes, you tin. The recipe will work great with either.
  • Is hamburger soup gluten costless? This soup does call for a tin of condensed tomato plant soup, which often contains wheat. If you need to ensure this soup is gluten free make certain you look for soup that has gluten free on the label, or you lot can substitute an equal corporeality of tomato sauce.
  • Does this hamburger soup freeze well? Yep it does. Simply transfer to air tight containers and freeze. If you find that it has thickened a bit, y'all can add some extra beef goop when y'all reheat it.
Overhead photo of soup in a white bowl with some crackers to the left and a spoon on the right.


Hamburger soup in a white bowl. A spoon is on the right and a pile of crackers on the left.

  • i ane/2 Pounds Lean ground beefiness
  • ii i/2 Cups Carrots diced modest
  • one/2 Cup Pearl barley
  • one 28 oz Tin can Diced tomatoes
  • ane Can Tomato soup
  • 2 Cups Water
  • iv Cups Beef broth
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • ane Tbsp Onion flakes
  • Common salt & Pepper to sense of taste
  • In a large pot or dutch oven, brown the beef on medium heat, then drain any fat.

  • Add the remaining ingredients to the pot, stir to combine, then place the lid on the pot. Plow the burner to low and simmer for 2 hours.

  • Serve with crusty breadstuff, crackers or dinner rolls.

To brand this hamburger soup in a slow cooker

  • Brownish the beefiness in a large skillet on the stove, then drain and add together to the dull cooker.

  • Add the remaining ingredients, stir to combine and place the hat on the cooker.

  • Cook on low for 6-8 hours then serve.

Calories: 213 kcal | Carbohydrates: 20 g | Protein: 22 g | Fat: 5 g | Saturated Fat: ii g | Cholesterol: 53 mg | Sodium: 694 mg | Potassium: 756 mg | Fiber: 4 one thousand | Sugar: five g | Vitamin A: 6826 IU | Vitamin C: 8 mg | Calcium: 42 mg | Atomic number 26: 3 mg

Nutritional information is based on tertiary-party calculations and should be considered estimates. Actual nutritional content volition vary with brands used, measuring methods, portion sizes and more.

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